Where is New Creation by tand t Located?
Fayetteville NC. (10 minutes from Fayetteville Airport)
The exact location details are provided after booking an appointment the policy of not accepting walk-ins. This ensures privacy and security for both the clientele and the establishment. Always confirm the current address and appointment details directly with me to ensure you have the most accurate and updated information .
Payment Method
Preferred Method -Zelle Business: NewCreationbyTandTLLC 762-224-8355
ApplePay : 762- 224-8355
How Do I Pay Class Remaining Balance
Remaining Balance Will Be Due 15 days before your class date payable via Zelle (Business not Personal):NewCreationbyTandTLLC (762)224-8355 or Apple Pay (762)224-8355
How To Take Care Of Your Install?
How to take care of your Loc's.
What To Expect With Extensions!
I use natural kinky human hair for lock extensions please don't expect it to respond like loose natural wavy hair. This hair will respond like natural 4c hair. It can be colored and rolled on rollers. You will be responsible for loosening the extensions. It is recommended to leave the hair alone so that it can start to mature with your hair. When it is freshly installed I recommend that you handle the hair as less as possible. Your hair texture, length, and home maintenance will determine the amount of slippage that you will experience.
What If You Don't Like The Size After The Service?
Your hair and scalp will be evaluated and a recommendation of sizing and service installation method will be given. Prior to making a deposit during your consultation, you will have finalized your decisions on loc size and installation method. If at the time of completion, you regret your decision on parting/size and install method. You will be responsible and charged for any requested adjustments.
How Long Will It Take To Complete Your Service On average?
BraidLocs and TwistLocs Establishments
3" to 10 estimated 10-16 hours
12" to 16" estimated 2 days
Retightening Service
The time will be based on the size of your head, if you have a tender scalp, if your hair marries a lot, the number of Loc's, and the amount of slippage that you have.
If you are not available for long hours discussed during the consultation please don't schedule. Additional time and days will not be added because of you sleeping, impatient, or ready to go home. I will not be pressured but I will take care your hair and do what needs to be done.
How Does Your Hair Tell On You?
Only Few things happen with Loc's. I will assume that you have done your research prior to wanting to make such an expensive investment. Please don't take all information that you have consumed to mean that the information is for your texture, length and lifestyle.When Loc's have been oversaturated before you receive permission . Your Loc's will slip/ come loose and you might think its new growth. If you have extension and do this your Loc's will slide even after they have been started with a braid. Your natural hair will start to stick out of the side of the extensions and possibly swell. My Loc's don't swell because of the technique I use to lock them during an install. If you follow instruction 100% of the time you will not have these problems excessively but, slippage is normal. This can happen months after an install please don't follow everyone else instruction for a service that they did not install for you. The insinuation of blaming me will instantly end our business relationship. One thing I do is my job. This only happens to clients that don't follow instruction well. That can cost you a new install! Another example is puffy roots with short hair around the loc tells me that either the hair was already broken in that area or that you have been scratching with your nails which pulls hair from the loc and thins it.
Do You Have To Wear A Mask?
You will Only be required to wear a mask if you are coughing, sneezing and have a runny nose! Please have a mask available . Your mouth and nose must remain covered unless eating. Service will be cancelled if you can't keep your mask on.
We’re excited to help you achieve your hair goals with our expert services and natural products at New Creation by T and T. Fill out the contact form below, and let’s start working together to promote healthy, beautiful hair.